Upload file (Resources)

You can add a file from your computer in the project resources.

To add a file from your computer, you will first have to enter the project that it should be placed in, and then click add under 'Resources' followed by 'File'. You can read more about 'Resources' in this guide.

The following window will then open:

  1. Enter a title for your file so that others in the project will know what it is.
  2. Then click 'Choose file'. This will open an Explore window that you can use to find the file you want to add.

You can use 'Download a template' to download an empty document.

It is currently not possible to transfer several files.

3.   Here you can add a description or notes for the file.

4.   Here you can indicate whether the file should be active or not, as well as the period of time it should be active. If it is not active, then it will not be shown on the project overview page.

5.   Click 'Save' to finish. Your file has now been added to the project resources.