The overview page – the things you can do?

The overview page in the project is where you can get an overview of what is happening.

  1. Here in the project bulletin board, you can see bulletins from the project participants.
  2. Here you can see the events that are connected to the project.
  3. Here you can see which resources have been changed or added, since you last visited the project.

In the following, you can see how you create bulletins and events in the project.

The bulletin board – creating a bulletin

  1. When you want to create a new bulletin for the projects bulletin board, you need to click on 'Add bulletin'.

This opens a new window where you can define settings for the bulletin and use the Rich Text Editor.

You will now be creating your bulletin.

2.   Here you type the title of your bulletin.

3.   Here you can indicate whether your bulletin will be published right away, i.e. be shown to the others right after you click 'Save', or you can choose to shown the bulletin to the others at a specific point in time.

4.   Here you can indicate if the bulletin should be removed automatically on a given date and time, or whether it should never be removed.

5.   Here you can indicate that the bulletin is a draft to info people that it is a work in progress.

6.   Here you have the possibility to deactivate comments so that people cannot add comments to your bulletin.

7.   This is where you write the actual content of your bulletin. You can use the full Rich Text Editor for your bulletin which will provide you with the option of using videos, pictures etc. Click here to see more about  what you can do with the Rich Text Editor.

8.   When you have finished writing your bulletin, you must click 'Save'.

Your bulletin will now be available for the other participants on their overview page, based on the settings you have defined.

Events – adding an event

  1. To create an event for the project, you must click 'Add event' on the overview page of the project.

A new window opens where you must fill in information about the event:

2.   Indicate when the event starts

3.   Indicate when the event ends

4.   Check the box if this is a recurring weekly event.

5.   Enter the title of the event.

6.   Enter a description of the event, e.g. the agenda for a group meeting. Here you can use the Rich Text Editor and so both pictures as well as videos etc. You can read more about the things you can do with the Rich Text Editor here.

7.   Click 'Save' to finish.

The event is now created and shown on the overview page of the project, as well as in the calendar of the project participants in itslearning (however, provided that they have not deactivated it).