Picture with description (Resources)

You can upload a picture to the project with a description containing e.g. reflections on what you see in the picture etc.

To transfer a picture with a description, you will first have to enter the project that it should be transferred to, and then click add under 'Resources' followed by 'Picture with description'. You can read more about 'Resources' in this guide.

Then the following window will open:

  1. Start by typing a title for the picture.
  2. Then, now transfer the picture from your computer (max. 5 MB). Click 'Upload file'.

Here you can also click the green 'Browse' button to open an Explore window that you can use to find the file, or you can drag it to the yellow field from your computer. Click 'Save' to finish the upload of the file.

3.   Here you can add your notes, text, description etc. for the picture. This will be shown along with the picture when other people access it.

4.   Here you can indicate whether your picture with the description should be active or not, as well as the period of time it should be active. If you choose that it should not be active, then it will not be shown on the overview page of the other participants.

5.   Click 'Save' when you have finished, and the picture with description will now be placed in the project resources.