Courses – How to find your courses (including old courses)

Courses are where the teaching takes place. Courses is to be understood in a broad sense, such as a team, a class course, a subject course or similar.
Your courses are based on your education programme and will not be visible here until at least 15 days before the teaching starts as part of the basic education and 30 days before EVU education.
- Select Courses in the main menu. The drop-down menu shows a list.
- Under the list, you have access to all your courses

On the list All courses, you can select the courses that you would like to show as preferred courses by marking them with a yellow star.
Only preferred courses are shown in the itslearning App.

Generally, all active courses are shown. When courses are no longer active in itslearning because the teaching is completed, the courses are archived. If you want to see archived courses, you should select either archived or all courses.