How to customise itslearning
You can customise some parts of itslearning e.g. language, time zone and text editor.

To get to customise itslearning, you must:

- Click on your picture and name in the upper right corner.
- Click 'Your settings' in the menu

3. Then click 'Customise itslearning'
You will now see a full overview of the things you can customise:
4. Here you can change the language in itslearning. It is only with regard to the layout that language will be changed. This means that all the content, such as text content a teacher has written or published, will not be affected of this change.
5. Here you can change the time zone.
6. Here you can change the standards and formats of the added content in itslearning, e.g. keyboard input.
7. Here you can change between 12 and 24 hour time format.
8. Here you can choose between 'Entire navigation tree' and 'Simplified navigation tree'. We recommend 'Entire navigation tree' to get the full overview.
9. Here you can choose between 'Simple text editor' and 'Rich text editor'. We recommend the Rich Text editor, as it gives you more options and it works with our video platform integration.
10. Here you can put itslearning in a 'Accessibility mode'. This is for those who might have poor sight or simply in need for lesser text in a larger lettering.
11. At the moment, it is unknown what this check-box is for. We are awaiting an answer from itslearning.
12. Click 'Save' to save your settings.