
Below you will see what 'Folders’ are for and to manage them.

There are pros and cons to adding folders: The pros are that with a folder you can assign rights for everything in the folder at once to other people, so that they can upload, edit and initiate activities in the folder themselves. The cons to folders are that the overview may get lost and that everybody can see the same contents of a folder. Furthermore, other people will also be able to delete files in the folder if they are assigned rights to add files. You can not differentiate between these permissions so use them carefully.

2.   Enter a title.

3.   Write a short description.

4.   Select whether it is active and set the time span for when it should be available to everybody.

5.   Save

Adapt your folder

6.   You can manage the access to your folder (see below for more details).

7.   You can also copy your folder to another Plan in another course. You can edit the contents of your folder, and you can delete it.

8.   Here you can add resources and activities to your folder.

Manage the access to your folder (permissions)

First, click on Permissions as shown above under item 6.

9.   Here you enter who can see the folder.

10.  Her you enter who can add new elements to the folder.

11.  Here you can get an overview of permissions, and edit them as needed.