Handing in an assignment
As a student, you will most likely be given an assignment at one point. In an assignment there is a lot of information as well as options for handing in the assignment. Here we will go through this information and the options.
- Here you see the title of the assignment
- Here you see the description of the assignment
- If the teacher has attached files to the assignment, they can be seen here. Click on the files to open them.
- Under Status, you can see if you have already handed in the assignment or not.
- Here you can see the deadline that the teacher has set for the assignment.
- Here you can see whether the assignment is homework or not.
- If you want to print the assignment, you can click this button and select Print.
- Click here to start your answer.
When you have clicked 'Answer assignment', you will go to the following view:
9. If you would like to see the description of your assignment and the files that your teacher has attached to the assignment, you should press 'Show'. You can always hide them again by clicking here.
10. If you want to type in your answer directly in itslearning, you can write it here in the Rich Text Editor.
11. If you want to make use of the all the options of the Rich Text Editor, you should click on 'More options'. You can click here to see everything that the editor can do.
12. If you have written your assignment in a word processing program, Office 365 Online or Google Drive, or if you need to submit files in connection with your assignment, you should click here. This will open a small window:
13. If your assignment or associated files are saved on your computer, you should click here. This will open an Explore window where you must select the file that you want to attach to your assignment.
14. If your assignment or associated files are saved in OneDrive, click here. If you have used Office 365 Online, the files are automatically saved in OneDrive. However, if you have used Microsoft Word on your computer, the files are saved on your computer.
15. If your assignment or associated files are saved in Google Drive, click here. All files in the Google Suite will automatically be added to your Google Drive, so if you e.g. have Google Docs, Google Slides or Google Sheets, you can attach them in this way without downloading them first.
Hvis du afleverer ved at gøre brug af en af cloudtjenesterne OneDrive eller Google Drev, så bliver der taget en kopi af dit dokument i clouden og vedhæftet. Ændringer lavet efter du har afleveret kan derfor ikke ses.
Hvis du skal bruge hjælp til at opsætte forbindelse til din OneDrive eller Google Drev konto, så er der vejledninger til dette.
Tryk her for at se en vejledning til hvordan du tilknytter din OneDrive konto.
Tryk her for at se en vejledning til hvordan du tilknytter din Google Drev konto.
16. When you are done filling in the answer to your assignment, click on 'Submit'.
Du kan ikke ændre i din opgavebesvarelse når først du har afleveret den ved at trykke på 'Send'.
17. If you are still working on the answer to your assignment but need to take a break, then use 'Save as draft’ so that you can return to the assignment later.
18. If you regret your answer to the assignment, you can use 'Cancel'.