Messages in itslearning

The messaging feature in itslearning is used by teachers and students for teaching-related communication.

  • From the teacher: Should primarily be used for messages that are urgent, e.g. for cancelling teaching, changing location, changing rooms, cancelling classes, info about lack of resources etc. Or individual students  e.g. follow-up on tasks.
  • From students: Individual questions related to the teaching.

You can send a message to one or more person(s) or to an entire team on itslearning. You can attach files to a message.

  1. On your front page, you can see if there are new messages. An orange mark indicates the number of new messages.
  2. The most recent messages are on top, click to see the whole message.

Send a new message

Select New to create a new message.

3.   Write the name of the recipient.

4.   Search for the name or the team.

5.   Write the message.

6.   You can attach a file to the message.

7.   Click on Send.

NOTE: If you install the itslearning App on a mobile device you can both read as well as write messages on it.